Monday, October 22, 2007

Tertiary Consumers

The large fish is an aquatic vertebrate this is cold-blooded, covered head to toe in scales. It swims with its two sets of paired fins and a few other unpaired fins. You can find the large fish in fresh and salt water. They are a big importance in our food source around the world. not only do we eat them, we also collect them. The term "fish" is described as any non-tetrapod chordate, or an animal with a backbone that has gills throught out its lifetime.

The term whale, reffers to all cetaceans, just to the larger ones. Whales are called cetaceans which are neither dolphins or porpoises. It is a large, aquatic mammal, that can take on many different shapes, sizes, and colors. This whale here is the Killer whale, a larger type, black and white, that mostly eat fish and other small to medium size aquatic animals.

The shark is a larger species of the fish, with a full cartilaginous skeleton and a stremlined body. To breath underwater, they use their seven gill slits. To protect their skin from any damages and parasites, and to improve fluid dynamics they have a covering of dermal denticles and replaceable teeth. Sharks vary in sizes from 22 centimeters (9 inches) to 12 meters (39 feet). You can find sharks in both fresh and salt water. They feed on mostly plankton, squid and small fish through their filter feeding.

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